'Effigies Amicitiae...Veritas Inimicitae': Antifeminism in the Iconography of the Women-Headed Serpent in Medieval and Renaissance Art and Literature

Author / Editor
Flores, Nona C.

'Effigies Amicitiae...Veritas Inimicitae': Antifeminism in the Iconography of the Women-Headed Serpent in Medieval and Renaissance Art and Literature

Nona C. Flores, ed. Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays (New York: Garland, 1996), pp. 167-95.

Oblique mention of Chaucer's comparison of Fortune to the "Fradulent serpent" in MerT and of his reference to the "smiler with the knife" in KnT.

Alternative Title
Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Merchant and His Tale.
Knight and His Tale.