Circling Back in Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales': On Punctuation, Misreading, and Reader Response

Author / Editor
Hanks, D. Thomas,Jr., Arminda Kamphausen, and James Wheeler.

Circling Back in Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales': On Punctuation, Misreading, and Reader Response

Chaucer Yearbook 3 (1996): 35-53.

Shows how modern punctuation obscures subtleties of Chaucer's poetry, drawing examples from CT. Unpunctuated, Chaucer's verse has a rich poetic syntax, especially in the ways it compels readers to posit one meaning, adjust that meaning to a second meaning, and come away with a double sense.

Kamphausen, Arminda.
Wheeler, James.

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification.