The Metamorphosis of 'Musorno': A Note on Chaucer's Translation of 'Filostrato' I, 54 in 'Troilus' I, 526-32

Author / Editor
Spillenger, Paul.

The Metamorphosis of 'Musorno': A Note on Chaucer's Translation of 'Filostrato' I, 54 in 'Troilus' I, 526-32

Chaucer Review 29 (1995): 348-51.

The "byjaped fol," to whom Chaucer refers in TC 1.526-32, is not a specific person but rather a mistranslation of Boccaccio's word "musorno," which Chaucer took to refer to a well-known person--a particular "fool"--rather than to the foolish quality fo a person.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.