The 'Parson's Tale': Ending 'Thilke Parfit Glorious Pilgrymage That Highte Jerusalem Celestial'

Author / Editor
Jost, Jean E.

The 'Parson's Tale': Ending 'Thilke Parfit Glorious Pilgrymage That Highte Jerusalem Celestial'

Proceedings of the Medieval Association of the Midwest 3 (1995): 94-109.

ParsT critiques both the tales in CT and life, as well as concluding CT.
The tales and the Parson's meditation work together in a "problem-solution relationship."
The tales present betrayals and sins through a variety of voices and genres, while ParsT creates a new tone to remedy and exonerate the betrayals in the tales and in life.

Chaucer Subjects
Parson and His Tale.