Sweetness and Sweat: The Extraordinary Emanations in Fragment Eight of the 'Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Cowgill, Bruce Kent.

Sweetness and Sweat: The Extraordinary Emanations in Fragment Eight of the 'Canterbury Tales'

Philological Quarterly 74 (1995): 343-57.

By emphasizing the contrast between excessive sweat in CYT and its absence in SNT, Chaucer indicates the disjunction between carnal and spiritual.
In addition, Cecilia's "bath of flambes" suggests the purifying water of baptism as opposed to the "watres corosif" of CYT.
Finally, Chaucer capitalizes on the similitude of "sweten" (to sweat) and "sweten" (to sweeten), wordplay also used in Form Age.

Chaucer Subjects
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Canon's Yeoman and His Tale.
Former Age.