The Clerk's and Franklin's Subjected Subjects

Author / Editor
Van Dyke, Carolynn.

The Clerk's and Franklin's Subjected Subjects

Studies In the Age of Chaucer 17 (1995): 45-66.

Griselda and Dorigen embody more coherent subjectivities than do their counterparts in analogous tales, although neither becomes a true agent in the outcome of her plot.
In his efforts to include women in the category "mankind," Chaucer intrudes the "heavily gendered subissues" of marital sovereignty and female chastity into plots that traditionally focus on obedience and gentilesse.
As a result, he "forcefully disrupts the semiotic order that subsumes individual agency under universal ideas."

Chaucer Subjects
Clerk and His Tale.
Franklin and His Tale.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.