The Clerk's and Franklin's Subjected Subjects
- Author / Editor
- Van Dyke, Carolynn.
The Clerk's and Franklin's Subjected Subjects
- Published
- Studies In the Age of Chaucer 17 (1995): 45-66.
- Description
- Griselda and Dorigen embody more coherent subjectivities than do their counterparts in analogous tales, although neither becomes a true agent in the outcome of her plot.
- In his efforts to include women in the category "mankind," Chaucer intrudes the "heavily gendered subissues" of marital sovereignty and female chastity into plots that traditionally focus on obedience and gentilesse.
- As a result, he "forcefully disrupts the semiotic order that subsumes individual agency under universal ideas."
- Chaucer Subjects
- Clerk and His Tale.
- Franklin and His Tale.
- Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.