The Classical and Modern Concept of Nature in Geoffrey Chaucer's 'The Parliament of Fowls'

Author / Editor
Gutiérrez Arranz, Jose M.

The Classical and Modern Concept of Nature in Geoffrey Chaucer's 'The Parliament of Fowls'

Bernardo Santano Moreno, Adrian R. Birtwhistle, and Luis G. Girón Echevarria, eds. Papers from the VIIth International Conferenceo of SELIM (Caceres: Universidad de Extremadura, 1995), pp. 141-48.

In PF, Chaucer's Nature fulfills a double role: a divinity who presides over weddings (classical) and a mediatrix for the Christian diety (early modern).

Alternative Title
Papers from the VIIth International Conference of SELIM.

Chaucer Subjects
Parliament of Fowls.