Of 'Briddes and Beestes': Chaucer's Use of Animal Imagery as a Means of Audience Influence in Four Major Poetic Works

Author / Editor
Blanco, Karen Keiner.

Of 'Briddes and Beestes': Chaucer's Use of Animal Imagery as a Means of Audience Influence in Four Major Poetic Works

Dissertation Abstracts International 56 (1995): 920A.

Writing for an audience that knew animals and animal lore well (from physical interaction, folklore, and religious tradition), Chaucer appealed to, influenced, and manipulated this lore in HF, PF, PT, and TC.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
House of Fame.
Parliament of Fowls.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Nun's Priest and His Tale.