'So Is Flesh' or 'El Amor Loco del Mundo' in G. Chaucer and Juan Ruiz

Author / Editor
Tejera Llano, Dionisia.

'So Is Flesh' or 'El Amor Loco del Mundo' in G. Chaucer and Juan Ruiz

Antonio Leon Sendra, Maria C. Casares Trillo, and Maria M. Rivas Carmona, eds. Second International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval Language and Literature (Cordoba: Universidad de Cordoba, 1993), pp. 197-206.

Perhaps because of their proximity in time (fifty years apart), Chaucer and the "Arcipreste de Hita" present love in similar ways. Both depict lovers' laments, the pleasures of the flesh, nuns willing to have love affairs, and so forth.

Leon Sendra, Antonio (R.), ed.
Casares Trillo, Maria C., ed.
Rivas Carmona, Maria M., ed.

Alternative Title
Second International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval Language and Literature.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.