The Planning and Construction of the Ellesmere Manuscript

Author / Editor
Parkes, M. B.

The Planning and Construction of the Ellesmere Manuscript

Martin Stevens and Daniel Woodward, eds. The Ellesmere Chaucer: Essays in Interpretation (San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library; Tokyo: Yushodo, 1995), pp. 41-47.

Codicologically, Ellesmere was constructed by methods commonly used for fifteenth-century English books, including techniques by which "the scribe and the artists accommodated their work so precisely to the format predetermined by the size and number of leaves" and made a good fit for all elements of the book.
Parkes discusses preparation of the skins for the pages, plus "practices of the scribe" in accommodating the text, the marginalia, and the illustrations.

Alternative Title
The Ellesmere Chaucer: Essays in Interpretation.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.