The Order of the Tales in the Ellesmere Manuscript

Author / Editor
Cooper, Helen.

The Order of the Tales in the Ellesmere Manuscript

Martin Stevens and Daniel Woodward, Eds. The Ellesmere Chaucer: Essays in Interpretation (San Marino, Calif.: Huntingon Library; Tokyo: Yushodo, 1995), pp. 245-61.

The manuscripts and internal evidence of CT indicate that those who "put the various examplars of the tales, links, and fragments in order for Ellesmere did not have any manuscript consensus to work from, and indeed, they have helped create such consensus as there is. But they do seem to have made the fullest use of whatever evidence was available to them, and the end result is more likely than any other order to represent Chaucer's own scheme."

Alternative Title
The Ellesmere Chaucer: Essays in Interpretation.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.