The "Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer: The New Ellesmere Chaucer Facsimile (of Huntington Library MS EL 26 C 9)

Author / Editor
Woodward, Daniel,and Martin Stevens, eds.

The "Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer: The New Ellesmere Chaucer Facsimile (of Huntington Library MS EL 26 C 9)

San Marino, Calif.:
Tokyo: Huntingon Library;
Yushodo, 1995.

Physical Description
xvi, 464 pp.

A full-size, full-color facsimile of the Ellesmere manuscript of CT, published in three forms and 250 copies. Copies 1-50 are bound in oak boards fully covered by tawed calf; copies 51-150, in boards and quarter brown leather; and copies 151-250, boxed rather than bound presented in folded but unsewn gatherings.
The facsimile reproduuces--as exactly as contemporary technology permits--the text, illuminations, wrinkles, smears, scribbles, holes, rules, prick markings, etc. of all pages, with one minor exception: the gold leaf over gesso in the original illustrations lies flat in the facsimile. The letters of the text are clear and easily readable.
See the companion volume of essays, "The Ellesmere Chaucer: Essays in Interpretation."

Stevens, Martin.

Alternative Title
New Ellesmere Chaucer Facsimile.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
Canterbury Tales--General.