Chaucer, Freud, and the Political Economy of Wit: Tendentious Jokes in the 'Nun's Priest's Tale'

Author / Editor
Goldstein, R. James.

Chaucer, Freud, and the Political Economy of Wit: Tendentious Jokes in the 'Nun's Priest's Tale'

Jean E. Jost, ed. Chaucer's Humor: Critical Essays (New York and London: Garland, 1994), pp. 145-62.

Offers a Freudian analysis of the antifeminist and political jokes in NPT. The opening frame concerning the widow and the allusion to the rebellion of 1381 suggest that the "repression of the class interests of the exploited" is "a symptom of the political unconscious of the text."

Alternative Title
Chaucer's Humor: Critical Essays.

Chaucer Subjects
Nun's Priest and His Tale.