Afterword to "The Wife of Bath and the Painting of Lions"

Author / Editor
Carruthers, Mary (J.)

Afterword to "The Wife of Bath and the Painting of Lions"

Ruth Evans and Lesley Johnson, eds. Feminist Readings in Middle English Literature: The Wife of Bath and All Her Sect (London and New York: Routledge, 1994), pp. 39-44.

Comments on the rhetorical ontology of the Wife of Bath. The character is a figure of power who "continues to bother" because she is not silenced in the text, compelling readers to wish to respond.
The original essay (without afterword) originally published in PMLA 094 (1979): 209-22.

Alternative Title
Feminist Readings in Middle English Literature: The Wife of Bath and All Her Sect.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.