Readings in Medieval English Romance

Author / Editor
Meale, Carol M., ed.

Readings in Medieval English Romance

Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1994.

Physical Description
viii, 238 pp.

Twelve essays, by various authors, from the Third Conference on Romance in England, held March-April 1992 at the University of Bristol. Topics include generic definition; textual transmission; audience reception; romance and emergent nationalism; genre and gender; and the relationships between historical events and their representation in literature. Chaucerian works mentioned throughout include ClT, CkT, FranT, MilT, RvT, Th, WBT, PF, TC, and the Dido and Thisbe portions of LGW.
One essay pertains directly to Chaucer; for information on this essay, search by the title of this volume.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.