Repainting the Lion: Chaucer's Profeminist Narrative

Author / Editor
Minnis, A. J.

Repainting the Lion: Chaucer's Profeminist Narrative

Roy Eriksen, ed. Contexts of the Pre-Novel Narrative: The European Tradition (Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994), pp. 153-83.

Approaches to Semiotics, no 114.

Chaucer's adjustments of his source materials in LGW produce narratives in which "Marriage, whether secured or desired, motivates and ennobles all the deaths for love." Experimenting with creating archetypically false men, Chaucer idealizes female dedication to "wyfhod," and though such a notion is reductionist by modern standards, it underlies Chaucer's earnest--if often humorous--endeavor to celebrate women.

Eriksen, Roy,ed.

Alternative Title
Contexts of the Pre-Novel Narrative: The European Tradition.

Chaucer Subjects
Legend of Good Women.