Culture and History, 1350-1600: Essays on English Communities, Identities, and Writing

Author / Editor
Aers, David, ed.

Culture and History, 1350-1600: Essays on English Communities, Identities, and Writing

Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992.

Physical Description
213 pp.

Six essays by various hands explore and critique the notion of a steady rise of individualism underlying the traditional historical periodiztion of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Human identities in all times are functions of humans interacting in groups. The essays assess the roles of various groups and the identities they produce: court culture, the church, the theater, and women. The volume closes with the editor's critique of historicism in medieval and Renaissance studies. For an essay that pertains to Chaucer, search for Culture and History, 1350-1600 under Alternative Title.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.