The Classical Tradition in Operation: Chaucer/Virgil, Shakespeare/Plautus, Pope/Horace, Tennyson/Lucretius, Pound/Propertius

Author / Editor
Rudd, Niall.

The Classical Tradition in Operation: Chaucer/Virgil, Shakespeare/Plautus, Pope/Horace, Tennyson/Lucretius, Pound/Propertius

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.

Physical Description
xii, 186 pp.

Chaucer drew on two classical sources, Virgil's "Aeneid" and Ovid's "Heroides," to illustrate two themes. In HF, complex characterizations of Venus, Aeneas, and Dido illustrate different meanings of Latin "fame"; in LGW, Dido's queenliness is emphasized to support the theme of female faithfulness.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
House of Fame.
Legend of Good Women.