Narrative Pessimism and Textual Optimism in Chaucer's 'House of Fame'

Author / Editor
Vasta, Edward.

Narrative Pessimism and Textual Optimism in Chaucer's 'House of Fame'

David G. Allen and Robert A. White, eds. The Work of Dissimilitude: Essays from the Sixth Citadel Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Literature (Newark: University of Delaware Press; London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1992), pp. 35-47.

Contrasts the narrators of BD and HF and their attitudes toward experience and bookish authority, clarifying how the HF narrator is "rendered completely and comprehensively skeptical." Yet, the lack of an ending to HF encourages readers to transcend the narrator's skepticism, recognizing both "truth" and "untruth."

Alternative Title
The Work of Dissimilitude: Essays from the Sixth Citadel Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Literature.

Chaucer Subjects
House of Fame.
Book of the Duchess.