Common Traits of Chaucer's and Joyce's Narrative Art

Author / Editor
Erzgräber, Willi.

Common Traits of Chaucer's and Joyce's Narrative Art

Elmar Lehmann and Bernd Lenz, eds. Telling Stories: Studies in Honour of Ulrich Broich on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday (Amsterdam and Philadelphia: B. B. Gruner, 1992), pp.188-204.

In HF, Chaucer reflects on the literary tradition he follows and on the written and oral materials available to him. James Joyce does the same in his novels, although he was not directly influenced by Chaucer. Each connects with the literary tradition characteristic of his bourgeois age.
Reprinted in Erzgräber's Mittelalter und Renaissance in England: Von der Altenglischen Elegien bis Shakespeares Tragögien (Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach, 1997), pp. 307-23.

Alternative Title
Telling Stories: Studies in Honour of Ulrich Broich on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday.
Mittelalter und Renaissance in England: Von der Altenglischen Elegien bis Shakespeares Tragögien,

Chaucer Subjects
House of Fame.