With the 'Poynte of Remembraunce': Re-Viewing the Complaint in 'Anelida and Arcite'

Author / Editor
Stallcup, Stephen.

With the 'Poynte of Remembraunce': Re-Viewing the Complaint in 'Anelida and Arcite'

Bonnie Wheeler, ed. Feminea Medievalia I: Representations of the Feminine in the Middle Ages (Cambridge: Academia Press, 1993), pp. 43-68.

Examines Anelida's complaint in relation to the genre of amatory complaint, considering the role of gender in the genre. Anelida reclaims lyric space for herself by reworking the courtly, traditionally masculine form, balancing the illogic of emotion with the logic of reason and presenting her loss seriously.

Alternative Title
Feminea Medievalia I: Representations of the Feminine in the Middle Ages.

Chaucer Subjects
Anelida and Arcite