Dorigen and the Falcon: The Element of Despair in Chaucer's 'Squire's' and 'Franklin's Tales'

Author / Editor
Goodman, Jennifer [R.]

Dorigen and the Falcon: The Element of Despair in Chaucer's 'Squire's' and 'Franklin's Tales'

Bonnie Wheeler, ed. Feminea Medievalia I: Representations of the Feminine in the Middle Ages (Cambridge: Academia Press, 1993), pp. 69-90.

The desperation of the falcon in SqT and that of Dorigen in FranT link the two tales. Similar links include three sets of parallel relationships between older and younger men, as well as the notions of "trouthe" and fortitude in each tale's ending.

Alternative Title
Feminea Medievalia I: Representations of the Feminine in the Middle Ages.

Chaucer Subjects
Squire and His Tale.