Rimes pour rire: Jeu de rimes equivoques et bilingues de 'L'Envoy de Chaucer' dans les 'Contes de Cantorbery'

Author / Editor
Kendrick, Laura.

Rimes pour rire: Jeu de rimes equivoques et bilingues de 'L'Envoy de Chaucer' dans les 'Contes de Cantorbery'

Bulletin des Anglicistes Medievistes 43 (1993): 769-80.

Investigates the burlesque effects of the -"aille" rhymes in the envoy to ClT. Like Eustache Deschamps, Chaucer plays with the plaintive effect of the sound, but he inverts the tone through male exhortation of a feminist position and through the distorted value of the sound in "Marlborough French."

Chaucer Subjects
Clerk and His Tale.
Style and Versification.