Chaucer's Lost Lyrics

Author / Editor
Wimsatt, James I.

Chaucer's Lost Lyrics

Danielle Buschinger and Wolfgang Spiewok, eds. Etudes de linguistique et de litterature en l'honneur d'Andre Crepin. Greifswalder Beitrage zum Mittelalter 5, WODAN ser., no. 20 (Greifswald: Reineke, 1993), pp. 447-53.

Some features of Chaucer's putative lost lyrics may be inferred from those that exist. There may have been hundreds of occasional lyrics, reflecting Chaucer's penchant for octosyllabics and decasyllabics and for isosyllabic stanzas. He was skilled in rhyming, on occasion made masterful use of refrain, and experimented in various lyric forms.

Alternative Title
Etudes de linguistique et de litterature en l'honneur d'Andre Crepin.

Chaucer Subjects
Lyrics and Short Poems.
Style and Versification.