Chaucer's Dream-Vision Poems and the Theory of Spatial Form

Author / Editor
Ryan, Marcella.

Chaucer's Dream-Vision Poems and the Theory of Spatial Form

Parergon, n.s., 11 (1993): 79-90.

Applies Joseph Frank's theory of "spatial form" in the modern novel (forms in which meaning is created through simultaneity and juxtaposition rather than through linearity and causation) to BD, PF, and HF. Examines particularly the use of myth (Seys and Alcyone, Affrican, Dido and Aeneas) in creating apparent discontinuities between the openings of the poems and their dream visions-proper.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Book of the Duchess.
Parliament of Fowls.
House of Fame.