Rhyme Structure in Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Oizumi, Akio,and Hiroshi Yonekura.

Rhyme Structure in Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales'

Danielle Buschinger and Wolfgang Spiewok, eds. Etudes de linguistique et de litterature en l'honneur d'Andre Crepin. Greifswalder Beitrage zum Mittelalter 5, WODAN ser., no. 20. (Greifswald: Reineke, 1993), pp. 281-88.

Identifies characteristic features of the rhymes and rhyme-elements in CT; a prolegomenon to an in-progress "Rhyme Concordance to the Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer."

Yonekura, Hiroshi.

Alternative Title
Etudes de linguistique et de litterature en l'honneur d'Andre Crepin.

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification.