Womanly Noblesse: The Influence of the Courtly Love Tradition on Edward Burne-Jones

Author / Editor
Miliaras, Barbara.

Womanly Noblesse: The Influence of the Courtly Love Tradition on Edward Burne-Jones

Liana De Girolami Cheney, ed. Pre-Raphaelitism and Medievalism in the Arts (Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen, 1992), pp. 193-218.

Surveys the influence of courtly love on Burne-Jones, arguing for the special influence of Chaucer. LGW and love poetry inspired early Burne-Jones; his painting "Laus Veneris" is linked to MercB. The lady in "An Idyl" suggests Emelye of KnT. Like Chaucer (and William Morris), Burne-Jones consistently depicted idealized courtly women.

Alternative Title
Pre-Raphaelitism and Medievalism in the Arts.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Legend of Good Women.
Merciles Beaute.
Knight and His Tale.