A Vocabulary for Chaucerian Comedy: A Preliminary Sketch

Author / Editor
Ruggiers, Paul G.

A Vocabulary for Chaucerian Comedy: A Preliminary Sketch

J. B. Bessinger and R. Raymo, eds. Medieval Studies in Honor of Lillian Herlands Hornstein (New York: New York University Press, 1976), pp. 193-225.

Aristotle's "Nichomachean Ethics" and "Rhetoric" and the Costinian "Tractate" can be used to anatomize comedy in CT.
Identifying and cataloguing plot motifs and character types points to the conclusions that comedy as a genre provides both a learning experience and a catharsis of the attractiveness of the "ugly, untoward" emotions; that in comedy plot is subordinate to character; and that comedy's effectiveness rests upon the degree of inner plausibility of the work itself rather than upon the degree of accurate imitation of the macrocosm.
Reprinted in Jean E. Jost, ed. Chaucer's Humor: Critical Essays (Garland, 1994), 41-77.

Alternative Title
Medieval Studies in Honor of Lillian Herlands Hornstein.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.