The Poetry of Chaucer

Author / Editor
Gardner, John Champlin.

The Poetry of Chaucer

Carbondale: Southern Ililinois University Press, 1977.

Physical Description
408 pp.

BD is an apprentice work whose chief interest is in rhetoric and ornamentation. PF, built on neo-platonic musical principles, shows growth in command of structure. The short poems reveal Chaucer's interest in prosodic experiment. TC is a great love story which explores the tragic contrast between the neo-platonic ideas of unity (tradition, authority) and diversity (experience, experiment, realism).
HF treats the same theme of authority and experience. LGW is a serio-comic treatment of neo-platonic love doctrine. CT combines the attitudes of the modern realist with those of the medieval neo-platonist. It is a final rendition of the theme of unity and diversity, the one and the many.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.