The Narrator and the Comic Framework in Chaucer's 'Parlement of Foules'

Author / Editor
Cleary, Barbara A.

The Narrator and the Comic Framework in Chaucer's 'Parlement of Foules'

Delta Epsilon Sigma Bulletin 24 (1979): 108-12.

There are several contrasts and incongruities in tone, style, and ideas in Chaucer's PF, as for example the naive narrator vs. condescending Scipio, ideal love vs. natural love, the love garden vs. the discordant parliament held therein, courtly language vs. colloquial diciton of the birds. By creating a comic framework, these jarring juxtapositions help to unify the work in its mockery of all rigid views of human love.

Chaucer Subjects
Parliament of Fowls.