The Reeve's Prologue and Tale, with the Cook's Prologue and the Fragment of his Tale from the Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Spearing, A. C., and J. E. Spearing, eds.

The Reeve's Prologue and Tale, with the Cook's Prologue and the Fragment of his Tale from the Canterbury Tales

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

An edition, with introduction, notes, and glossay.
Despite its low reputation, the artistry and comic power of RvT supply outstanding examples of Chaucer's mature art. The manner in which it springs from MilT is proof of Chaucer's ingenious linking of tales. In the same manner, CkT and its Prologue are also effectively linked to RvT. Having RvT and CkT in a single volume allows the reader to examine Chaucer's methods of connecting one tale with another in a more than superficial way.

Spearing, J. E.,ed.

Chaucer Subjects
Reeve and His Tale.
Cook and His Tale.