The General Prologue

Author / Editor
Andrew, Malcolm,Charles Moorman, and Daniel J. Ransom, eds.; with the assistance of Lynne Hunt Levy.

The General Prologue

Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993.

Physical Description
2 vols., xxvii, 298; xxiii, 623 pp.

A Variorum Edition of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Vol. 2, The Canterbury Tales, pt. 01 (A and B).

Part 1A includes a new, variorum text and set of collations for GP, based on the Hengwrt manuscript and edited by Charles Moorman; textual notes by Daniel J. Ransom and Charles Moorman; textual commentary by Daniel J. Ransom, assisted by Lynne Hunt Levy; and a survey of critical commentary and bibliographical index by Malcolm Andrew.
Part 1B includes explanatory notes and their bibliographic index by Malcolm Andrew. The commentary and editorial practice follow the principles of previous contributions to the Chaucer Variorum, but the range and bulk of the explanatory notes necessitated their being printed in a separate volume; they cover through 1985.

Ransom, Daniel J., ed.
Moorman, Charles, ed.
Levy, Lynne Hunt.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.