Counterfeiting Chaucer: The Case of 'Dido,' Wyatt, and the 'Retraction'

Author / Editor
Miskimin, Alice S.

Counterfeiting Chaucer: The Case of 'Dido,' Wyatt, and the 'Retraction'

Studies in Medieval Culture 10 (1977): 133-45.

The "Letter of Dido to Aeneas" in Pynson's "Chaucer" (1526), omitted by Thynne (1532), inspired Wyatt to write "Lyke as the swan..."; for him Chaucer was Pynson's edition. Thynne's omission of Ret was not remedied until Urry (1721). Modern editions conceal what readers believed for four centuries to be Chaucerian.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
Chaucerian Apocrypha.