Chaucer's 'Parlement of Foules': An Interpretation Based upon a Structural Analysis of Rhetorical Usage

Author / Editor
Tenebruso, Marie Yrsa.

Chaucer's 'Parlement of Foules': An Interpretation Based upon a Structural Analysis of Rhetorical Usage

Dissertation Abstracts International 40 (1980): 5856A.

In spite of the limitations imposed on Chaucer by virtue of his socially inferior position in relation to his courtly audiences, his thorough mastery of rhetorical principles and techniques allowed him to transmit his "sententia," namely, the necessity of abandonment of passionate, unreasonable love, as often exemplified in an "amour courtois" relationship, at peril of damnation of one's immortal soul.

Chaucer Subjects
Parliament of Fowls.