Synthesis and Orthodoxy in Chaucer's 'Parson's Tale': An analysis of the concordance of different authoritative 'sententiae' according to the principles of the medieval 'artes praedicandi'

Author / Editor
Luengo, Anthony E.

Synthesis and Orthodoxy in Chaucer's 'Parson's Tale': An analysis of the concordance of different authoritative 'sententiae' according to the principles of the medieval 'artes praedicandi'

Revue de l'Universite d'Ottawa 50 (1980): 223-32.

Chaucer's treatment of "sententiae" in ParsT is best understood in terms of the schema provided by Thomas Walleys in his 14th-century "De modo componendi sermones." The Parson adopts many of Walleys' 14 methods of linking "senteniae" to control logically the 160 biblical and patristic quototations and paraphrases used in his sermon, and to oppose the misleading use of "sententiae" by pilgrims like the Wife and Pardoner.

Chaucer Subjects
Parson and His Tale.