Chaucer's 'Knight's Tale': A Vision of a Secular Ideal of Chivalry

Author / Editor
Nelson, Joseph Edward.

Chaucer's 'Knight's Tale': A Vision of a Secular Ideal of Chivalry

Dissertation Abstracts International 41 (1980): 242A.

Unlike the knight of the chivalric theorists, who is ideally a force for justice and stability, the knight of the courtly romance is a solitary figure whose primary concern is self-fulfillment without regard to the community at large. As a courtly poet, Chaucer wrote for an audience which knew and appreciated both the notions of courtly love and the values inherent in the code of chivalry.
KnT, then, especially in the person of Theseus as its chivalric protagonist, posits a vision of a viable secular order based on chivalric values. KnT represents Chaucer's mature reflections on a secular order and is ultimately optimistic in its conclusions.

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale.