The Representation of Colloquial Speech in 'The Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Salmon, Vivian.

The Representation of Colloquial Speech in 'The Canterbury Tales'

H. G. Ringbom, ed. Style and Text: Studies Presented to Nils Erik Enkvist (Stockholm: Skriptor, 1975), pp. 263-77.

Evaluation of the characteristics of genuine, spontaneous conversation supports the conclusion that CT provides realistic evidence of English speech in the late fourteenth century. Chaucerian conversation is affected by the need of speech to reflect character, the interrelationship of its participants and the attitudes of the participants to one another and to the situation.

Ringbom, H. G.,ed.

Alternative Title
Style and Text: Studies Presented to Nils Erik Enkvist.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.