Were Sercambi's 'Novelle' Known from the Middle ages On? (Notes on Chaucer, Sacchetti, 'Cent Nouvelles nouvelles,' Pauli, Timodeda, Zayas)

Author / Editor
McGrady, Donald.

Were Sercambi's 'Novelle' Known from the Middle ages On? (Notes on Chaucer, Sacchetti, 'Cent Nouvelles nouvelles,' Pauli, Timodeda, Zayas)

Italica 57 (1980): 3-18.

Scholars need to reassess the extent of Sercambi's literary influence. A survey of some analogues of the framework and tales of his "Novelle" prove conclusively that his work was imitated in Italy, Spain, France, and Germany. Parallels in ShT and in the framing devices of CT point to Chaucer's indebtedness.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Shipman and His Tale.