Man, Magician, Poet, God--An Image in Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern Literature

Author / Editor
Schuman, Samuel.

Man, Magician, Poet, God--An Image in Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern Literature

Cithara 19 (1980): 40-54.

The magical pageant of the Briton clerk (FranT) is imitated in Shakespeare's masque of Ceres ("The Tempest"); Humbert Humbert ("Lolita") is an analogue of Prospero. The image of the magician in each work points to the activity of the creative artist as illusionist, and leads to a theological esthetic. The notion of the artist and artistic process implies the analogue of the divine creator.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Franklin and His Tale.