'The Two Noble Kinsmen' and Speght's Chaucer

Author / Editor
Turner, Robert K.

'The Two Noble Kinsmen' and Speght's Chaucer

Notes and Queries 225 (1980): 175-76.

The detail in "The Two Noble Kinsmen" IV.ii.103-05, where the blond prince's locks are said to be "hard-haired" and "curled," suggest that Shakespeare and Fletcher used Speght's 1602 edition of Chaucer when they based their play on KnT. In that edition Speght misprints Chaucer's line "His crispe haire like rings was of yron," clearly the source for the curious image in the play.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.