The Story of Diomede and Criseyde: Changing Relationships in an Evolving Legend

Author / Editor
Collins, David G.

The Story of Diomede and Criseyde: Changing Relationships in an Evolving Legend

Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association 7 (1981): 9-30.

As the figure of Briseida, Criseyd, Cressida moved from Benoit de Saint-Maure (ca. 1160) and Guido della Colonne (1287), through Boccaccio (1336) and Chaucer (ca. 1385), to Shakespeare (1601-1602) and Dryden (1679), her portrait becomes increasingly sympathetic, while Diomede becomes increasingly vicious.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.