The Unlikely Narrator: The Narrative Strategy of the 'Troilus'

Author / Editor
Huppé, Bernard F.

The Unlikely Narrator: The Narrative Strategy of the 'Troilus'

John P. Hermann and John J. Burke, eds. Signs and Symbols in Chaucer's Poetry (University: University of Alabama Press, 1981), pp. 179-94.

Inconsistencies are found in the poems, in the tone of the narrator, and in the discrepancy between the comic mode of TC and the seriousness of the conclusion. The design of the poem either "employs inconsistency and incongruity, or conversely is marred by them." Apparent discrepancies serve a function in overall design, especially in the character of the narrator.

Alternative Title
Signs and Symbols in Chaucer's Poetry.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.