The Meaning of 'Chevyssaunce': Complicated Word Play in Chaucer's 'Shipman's Tale'

Author / Editor
Stock, Lorraine Kochanske.

The Meaning of 'Chevyssaunce': Complicated Word Play in Chaucer's 'Shipman's Tale'

Studies in Short Fiction 18 (1981): 245-49.

Suggests that in three places in the ShT--lines 1519-21, 1536-37, 1581--Chaucer exploits two denotations of "chevyssaunce." In addition to the specific denotation "usury," the word has a more general denotation--MED meaning 2--which, when applied solves the problem of why Chaucer departed from his analogues.

Chaucer Subjects
Shipman and His Tale.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.