Chaucer's Way with His Sources: Accident into Substance and Substance into Accident

Author / Editor
Diekstra. F. (N. M.)

Chaucer's Way with His Sources: Accident into Substance and Substance into Accident

English Studies 62 (1981): 215-36.

In most of his poems Chaucer exploits the traditional material to create a double view, one inherent in the material and the other produced by his handling of them. He inherited this technique from Jean de Meun; in BD and the "Roman," for example, the Reason figures both fail ironically to communicate their wisdom. NPT and PardT provide other prominent examples of the double view.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
Book of the Duchess.
Nun's Priest and His Tale.
Pardoner and His Tale.