Paradis Stood Formed in Hire Yen: Courtly Love and Chaucer's Re-Vision of Dante

Author / Editor
Kirk, Elizabeth D.

Paradis Stood Formed in Hire Yen: Courtly Love and Chaucer's Re-Vision of Dante

Mary J. Carruthers and Elizabeth D. Kirk, eds. Acts of Interpretation (Norman, Okla.: Pilgrim Books, 1982), pp. 257-77.

The double ending of TC reconciles issues about love raised in the story. Chaucer has made Troilus a lover in the tradition of courtly love but has also used Dante's "Paradiso" for his version of heaven. The pagan setting illuminates Christian values.

Alternative Title
Acts of Interpretation.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.