Notes on the 'Parson's Tale'

Author / Editor
Wenzel, Siegfried.

Notes on the 'Parson's Tale'

Chaucer Review 16 (1982): 237-56.

Detailed lexical and literary comments, based on passages of identical or very similar wording in medieval religious writings, on the following passages in ParsT: 79-81 (the "way" of penance), 113-16 (the tree of penance), 157 ("groyn"), 319 ("condiciouns"), 350-54 (the progression of sin), 351-53 (the devil's bellows, "flambe of delit"), 411 ("leefseel"), 529-32 (concluding passage on Envy), 614 ("Salomon"), 1038 ("disciplyne"), 1040 ("privyleged"). Also discusses the genre of ParsT.
The purpose of these comments is to elucidate the literal meaning of Chaucer's text and to exonerate Chaucer of having blundered in at least three instances.

Chaucer Subjects
Parson and His Tale.