Syntax and Style in Chaucer's Poetry

Author / Editor
Roscow, Gregory.

Syntax and Style in Chaucer's Poetry

Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1981.

Physical Description
x, 158 pp.

Chaucer Studies, no. 06.

Concentrates on "colloquialism" in Chaucer's syntax in the context of popular romance and poetry, including some examples from Old English, finding that "discontinuous patterns of word-order" and "negative forms of emphatic expression" contribute to vigorous poetic syntax.
Includes chapters on word order, idiomatic usage, pleonasm, ellipsis, relative clauses, and coordination and parataxis. Includes bibliography, general index, and an index of Chaucer quotations. No footnotes.

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification.