Chaucer's Dream Poetry: Sources and Analogues

Author / Editor
Windeatt, Barry, A.

Chaucer's Dream Poetry: Sources and Analogues

Totowa, N.J.: D. S. Brewer;
Rowman and Littlefield, 1982.

Physical Description
168 pp.

Chaucer Studies, no. 07.

The chief French sources and analogues of Chaucer's four dream poems, presented here in translation, are brought together for the first time. Included are Machaut's "Jugement dou Roy de Behaingne," Froissart's "Paradys d'amours," Jean de Conde's "Messe des oisiaus," and the "Fablel dou dieu d'amours." All or part of fourteen other French poems appear, along with Cicero's "Dream of Scipio" and bits of Boccaccio's "Teseida" and the "Complaint of Nature" of Alanus de Insulis.
Footnotes and an "Index of Parallels" document parallel passages to the BD.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
Book of the Duchess.
House of Fame.
Parliament of Fowls.
Legend of Good Women.