'Wade's Boot' (Chaucer's MerT E 1424): A Different Tack

Author / Editor
Acker, Paul.

'Wade's Boot' (Chaucer's MerT E 1424): A Different Tack

American Notes and Queries 21 (1982): 2-4.

Sumner Ferris (AN&Q 9:71-72) sees a pun on the name "Wade" in MerT 1684: "lat us waden out of his mateere." More probably the image is one of wading with difficulty out of a stream. The MerT allusion to "Wades boot" is a metaphor for "the (male) body"; in the retelling of the Wade story in "Thidrekssaga" the hero has no boat at all and must "wade" (hence the name) across the Groenasund.

Chaucer Subjects
Merchant and His Tale.