Chaucer, Dante, and the Structure of Fragment VIII (G) of the 'Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Olson, Glending.

Chaucer, Dante, and the Structure of Fragment VIII (G) of the 'Canterbury Tales'

Chaucer Review 16 (1982): 222-36.

The fragment containing SNT and CYT is unique in the intrusion of new pilgrims undescribed in GP. Two seemingly unrelated stories are tightly unified: SNT in the "lastynge bisynesse" of Saint Cecilia; CYT in the fraudulent "bisynesse" of the Canon, one activity leading to God, the other to perdition. In SNT several lines from Dante's "Paradiso" appear; CYT suggests the "Inferno."

Chaucer Subjects
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Canon's Yeoman and His Tale.